Sunday, November 15, 2009

Of all humans, do Native Americans have the straightest hair type?

I see alot of Native Americans with long, stick straight hair; not a curl to be found. What is the reason for this? Information is greatly appreciated.

Of all humans, do Native Americans have the straightest hair type?

Ok, not ALL natives generated from china, some groups are genetically different (as a recent study shows)

But generally first nations people's hair is straight, long ago thats all natives hair was, but genetics get modified, parents have different backgrounds and hair types.

Personally I think that the hair is straight because we wouldn't cut our hair and it is beautiful long so the weight would pull the hair straight.

Of all humans, do Native Americans have the straightest hair type?

I think alot of Asians have straight hair too.

Some people belive that Native Americans migrated from Asia specificaly China and Mongolia across the Baring Strait.

Of all humans, do Native Americans have the straightest hair type?

Kind of hopping on Buddha's answer.......well migration and adaptation.....what nature does is well when you don't need something you get rid of it and/or adapt. After Lucy's descendants left African, where Asians and Native Americans have migrated to they didn't need the type of hair, little to a lot less melanin, different types of eyes/eye shapes, lips, noses, etc.

Of all humans, do Native Americans have the straightest hair type?

my hair isn't very straight... oh wait, yes it is.

Of all humans, do Native Americans have the straightest hair type?

Yes, since Native Americans are "Asian"

Of all humans, do Native Americans have the straightest hair type?

I love NA and Asian hair too(the two groups are genetically related since a long time ago the NA ancestors migrated from asia). I think like someone said it was an adaption to the environment. Straight hair just suited them for where they were living i guess.

Of all humans, do Native Americans have the straightest hair type?

There are three major hair types: Asian, African and European.

African hair has a lot of strands per square inch on the scalp and is very fine and very curly.

Asian hair has less strands per square inch on the scalp, but is very coarse and very straight.

European hair falls somewhere between these two extremes.

Most American Indians have Asian type hair.

Of all humans, do Native Americans have the straightest hair type?

No, we do not. My hair and the hair of most of my family's is quite wavy, to tell the truth. I suppose you could it has a mind of its own; some days it is straight, and other days it is not. But truthfully I believe the Asians were more along the lines of "world's straightest hair."

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