Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why is the lie allowed that bukas get women seen as humans not sex objects when not human at all.?

Why is the lie allowed that bukas get women seen as humans not sex objects when not human at all.

here this one come up a lot but its a total lie.

If someon is covered up looking like a cylon or ninja

That thing has no face

No identity

No visible personality

No humanity

No nothing.

Nobody looks into its minds (it being a legit words as cannot tell if male, female, alien, robot or wookie.)

The face and hair are there for a reason...

In human communication its all facial expression with hairstyles projecting personailty.

You cant tell one buka person from another as no individual face, no recognition.

So how do you get close to get to know somone and how do you recognise them again.

It stops all interaction as most communication is non verbal.

As for sexaul objectification...


Why always aimed at the women?

Attractiveness is the means by which males and felames become attracted to each other %26amp; from relationships

Why is the lie allowed that bukas get women seen as humans not sex objects when not human at all.?

In Islam, the man is the dominant force in society and is considered superior to a woman. He is head of the family unit, males take precedence in Mosques, in fact many mosques do not permit women to enter to pray. They have advantages in sharia law, for example, it is easier for a man to divorce a woman than vice versa.

The interpretation of this basic power relationship varies enormously, e.g. in Malaysia they treat the women with respect and choice, in Taliban Afghanistan women were forced to wear the Burqa and were severely beaten with clubs or sometimes murdered if they had the audacity to let their faces be seen in their own homes by a man looking through their window!

I think the burqa is just another symptom of this unequal relationship. However, let's not be too smug, Western civilisation has had glaring inequalities over the years, the right for a woman to vote, equal pay etc etc

Why is the lie allowed that bukas get women seen as humans not sex objects when not human at all.?

I think it's just a way of forcing 'their' women into a dormant obedient state of mind.

Why is the lie allowed that bukas get women seen as humans not sex objects when not human at all.?

all women are human even when covered...

Why is the lie allowed that bukas get women seen as humans not sex objects when not human at all.?

The burka is not the same as Hijab. Burka is worn out of cultural reasons, but the recommended covering is the Hijab in which the face is visible.

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