Friday, November 13, 2009

Why, for some reason, do humans (more of women) grow hair to longer lengths than naturally needed?

And why men? I mean, it is natural to have hair as a resouce for heat staying in, but it seems unreasonable for people to have such long hair, even sometimes touching the ground! Please have a reason or answer that is not annoying or is stupid. Thanks!

Why, for some reason, do humans (more of women) grow hair to longer lengths than naturally needed?

I think the people who grow their hair to be waist-length or longer do it because 1.) they think it looks nice or 2.) they have personal beliefs about cutting hair--there are some religions which forbid women to cut their hair, for example, and there have been cultures in the past where it is seen as disgraceful to have shorter hair. Some people hold on to traditions like that.

Why, for some reason, do humans (more of women) grow hair to longer lengths than naturally needed?

I think people just like having long hair. I definitely don't think of my hair as something to keep heat so people with extremely long hair probably don't either. They just style their hair to their own tastes. Oh and as the person above me mentioned there are some religions that forbid people from cutting hair. There's a middle eastern religion that forbids men from cutting their hair, I just can't remember the name of it at the moment.

Why, for some reason, do humans (more of women) grow hair to longer lengths than naturally needed?

I have long hair mainly because I am not good at keeping up with a haircut. However, it seems more natural to me to have long hair than short. And, I have a hard time thinking of hair as something that is reasonable or unreasonable. It is such a personal preference that really doesn't affect anybody else.

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