Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How many hairs does the human body have?

The average human head has between 80,000 and 150,000 hairs. The rest of the body makes a relatively small contribution beyond this number.

How many hairs does the human body have?

more than ive ever had the time to count!

How many hairs does the human body have?



How many hairs does the human body have?

alot, less for some people

How many hairs does the human body have?

As many pores in our body.

Gimme my 10 points.


How many hairs does the human body have?

12875365 and a half

How many hairs does the human body have?

i think everyone is different and that it changes constantly as hairs fall off and new ones grow

How many hairs does the human body have?

There are thousands, it really depends on the person

How many hairs does the human body have? say 1234567890958473657824930578364597240736...

How many hairs does the human body have?

A lot - depending on the individual. Some have less and some have more.

How many hairs does the human body have?

The average person has around 5 million hairs on their body at any given time. Even if you don't see them they are there.

The number of hairs on the head of a person varies with the hair color.(note these numbers are estimates).

Blonde 146,000

Black 110,000

Brunette 100,000

Red 86,000

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