Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why don't Humans have full body hair like other Mammals?

When I say "full body hair" I mean enough to protect us against the elements, like a horse or a cat has.

Please think before you answer that "we wear clothes" - because there had to be sometime in history when the "clothing" was not available and we would have had to survive in conditions without it. if your theory is "evolution" then also consider that during the "evolutionary process" of becoming "less hairy" - what was the purpose of shedding the hair to replace it with another animals skin or a plant fiber.

Thanks for attempting to answer this question.

Why don't Humans have full body hair like other Mammals?

we have as many body hairs as a chimp or a bonobo, but our hairs are fine and short, so don't cover our body the way theirs do.

there are various theories about this.

one of my favourites points out that not only do we lack obvious body hair, we also perspire copiously and have a substantial layer of subcutaneous body-fat (unlike any other ape).

these three taken together would suggest that at some stage in our evolution we lived a semi-aquatic life (where our subcutaneous fat would have made us better swimmers, but our body-hair would have acted as a drag).

there is an excellent introduction to the aquatic hypothesis by elaine morgan. she points out that as well as lots of other stuff it could explain why we make love in such an unusual way (unusual for primates that is).

Why don't Humans have full body hair like other Mammals?

some do :)

Why don't Humans have full body hair like other Mammals?

Well, just attempting a guess here, because it's a pretty interesting question.

I'd have to say that as we evolved and were able to build ourselves shelter from the elements, as well as creating protective clothing, then having body hair probably became less necessary over time.

Why don't Humans have full body hair like other Mammals?


Why don't Humans have full body hair like other Mammals?

Well, I do not agree with evolution. I believe what the Bible says, which is that man was created in God's image and that God has been the same since the beginning of time. If that is true then man has been the same and not changed or evolved since creation. (when speaking about about the physical characteristics) But scientifically speaking, we are mammals! A mammal is a warm blooded being, mostly covered in body hair in which the female has milk producing glads...which we are and do!

mam璺痬al /钘瀖蹇檓钃筶/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[mam-uhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

閳ユ悏oun any vertebrate of the class Mammalia, having the body more or less covered with hair, nourishing the young with milk from the mammary glands, and, with the exception of the egg-laying monotremes, giving birth to live young.

mam璺痬al (m鑶﹎'钃筶) Pronunciation Key

n. Any of various warm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, including humans, characterized by a covering of hair on the skin and, in the female, milk-producing mammary glands for nourishing the young.

Why don't Humans have full body hair like other Mammals?

True , if we evolved. The fur would have been useful and sense we are so smart ,we could have discovered razors to remove the hair in the warm seasons.

Here's something else . A man testes, is the only type of skin found on them and no others creature on the earth.


Why don't Humans have full body hair like other Mammals?

boy. you have not only the answers to questions you asked but it seems you try for all the bases, too. then, my fine feathered friend, why do you ask? humans had a lot more hair than we have now due to climate change and evolution. some people still hark back to that time as you will see men, and some women, who need to shave on a daily basis. also, there are some 'throwbacks' as the hairy family of mexico, name eludes me, who perform in the circus as the wolfen family. they shave when not performing and let it grow when active in the circles. climate change and human's ability to control their interior temps have made body hair obsolete. we are talking about thousands of years here, so nothing overnight. we still are hairy under the arms, on the head and face, not to mention between the legs (groin area). this is for heat protection and keeping it in not out. clothing for humans is strictly a choice of society. some cultures wear only what's necessary. others? wear it up the neck and beyond. modesty is still a 7-lettered word. consider nudists! ok, pal. there it is. get it? got it? good! (p.s. i don't attempt. i either do it or i don't).

Why don't Humans have full body hair like other Mammals?

We do... have you seen my body? Have you been to the swimming pool recently?

You have hair all over your body, but its likely very sparse and fine.

Evolution directed us in in this way for... probably several reasons. For one, prehistoric humans may have decided that hairlessness was more attractive (as we do today ;))... Since we have been making clothes for countless centuries... maybe the ability to put on %26amp; take of clothes outweighted the benefits of a permanant coat (along with the loss of resources that go into creating hair)

If you're trying to be anti-evolution with this line of reasoning... I recommend you stop reading fundie websites and pick up science books at your local library or university.

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